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Writer's pictureTony Nelson

Check Out Our New Lightning Component - Multiview Calendar

Hello everyone. I would like to introduce our new Lightning Component called “Multi-View Calendar.” It is designed and released by TerraSky’s SkyVisualEditor team and is available for free from the AppExchange site!

1. Features

The package consists of two components as below and can be set up from Lightning App Builder. (You can also use this component independently from the Lightning App Builder, but I won’t go through that in detail).

(1) TS Calendar Display

TS Calendar Display shows the schedule data that are stored in the Event Object as Month view, Week view, and Day view. This component can be used independently as a Salesforce1 tab or embedded in a Lightning App Builder.

(2) TS Calendar User Selector

TS Calendar User Selector coexists with TS Calendar Display. It allows users to select another user’s calendar.

2. Condition of Use

(1) Activate Lightning Component

Please activate the Lightning component. I recommend you test it first on Sandbox since it is still in the beta version.

Setup –> Build –> Develop –> Lightning Components

A warning message will show when you check Enable. Click ok to proceed.

(2) Activate Lightning App Builder

Please update your organization as Summer ’15 (Lightning App Builder is GA in this edition) or use Developer edition with Lightning App Builder enabled. The Lightning App Builder will show up on the setting menu if it is active. Setup –> Build –> Lightning App Builder

3. Settings

(1) Install Multi-View Calendar

Please download Multi-View Calendar from the AppExchange site.

(2) Create pages using Lightning App Builder

Let’s create a Lightning page by following the Lightning App Builder set-up guidance.

Multi-View Calendar components will show up under the Custom-Managed section on the left-hand side of the screen. ・TS Calendar User Selector ・TS Calendar Display

Click Save to create your Lightning page.

(3) Activate the Lightning page

Click the Activate button on the Lightning App Builder to enable it on to the Lightning page.

Now, the calendar tab will show up on the Salesforce1 Mobile App screen. Below are some of the sample screenshots.

That is all there is to do. It is so easy, please try it for yourself. Thanks for reading!

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