Investor Relations
The TerraSky Group
The TerraSky Group was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the Mothers market as of April 30th, 2015 and changed to the Prime market on November 27th, 2018. Thank you very much for your generous support. To learn more about the TerraSky Group, visit our investor relations page on the on our parent company's website.
To Our Shareholders & Investors
At present, the environment surrounding enterprises has undergone several reforms that have never been experienced before - technological innovation and changes in population structure appear to be driving much of this change. We believe that this transformation is a business opportunity and companies that are promoting digital transformation will surely achieve further growth.

Digital transformation cannot come to pass without cloud technology. The merit of choosing cloud systems, which has become common practice now, is reducing the initial cost of business, provides flexible responses to the ever changing market, helps with the launch of new business opportunities, etc. and we have seen the immediate impact of this change represented by AI and IoT. To realize digital transformation, it is important to master such cloud technologies.
Since 2006, TerraSky has addressed the business issues of our clients from the perspective of building cloud systems, and this has contributed to the launching of new businesses and improving productivity. As a technology partner, we will continue to pursue advanced technology solutions and optimum services for our client companies to support corporate growth that is sustainable.
As the TerraSky Group is adapting to the IT market during this turning point, we appreciate your continued support.